Wind Mitigation Inspection

Home Exterior at Dusk

What is a Wind Mitigation Inspection?

A wind mitigation inspection is a seven question inspection that lets insurance companies know how well your house will stand up to hurricane winds. Each question is a possible credit for your home insurance.  The inspection gives information on the age of the home, age of the roof, roof to deck attachment, roof to wall connection, roof shape, secondary water resistance, and opening protection.  A wind mitigation does not take the place of a full home inspection.  This is specifically for insurance purposes. 

Save On Your Home Owners Insurance in Polk County, Florida

Florida Statute 627.0629(1) requires insurance companies to offer Florida homeowners “discounts, credits, or other rate differentials…” for construction techniques that reduce damage and loss in windstorms. Florida insurance companies were required to submit filings by March 2003 that provide for these wind mitigation discounts. The insurance company filings began to take effect during 2003. In October 2006 Rule 690-170.07 was passed requiring insurers to increase insurance discounts for wind mitigation features in their filings with the Office of Insurance Regulation. Each year, as insurance companies have submitted new filings, the Wind Insurance Savings Calculator has been updated to reflect the filings that contained the latest information about premium savings. The discounts estimated on this website are for single family houses and owner-occupied units of multi-family dwellings and are based on past estimates. Check Twice Home Inspections is based in Polk County and understands building needs in our community.

Florida Wind Mitigation Inspection Items

Starting At $95

Is a home inspector worth it?

Homeowners Insurance Savings Tip – Wind Mitigation Credits may more than pay for the cost of your inspection.

Does a 4 point inspection include wind mitigation inspection?

Typically these are two different inspections. However, we offer a special combo deal where you can get both inspections for a reduced price when performed at the same service call.

Home Inspection

Get the 411 on a home

  • Same Day Reporting
  • Accepted by All Major Insurance Providers
  • Check Twice Home Inspections takes a thorough look at all systems in the house.

Starting at $350

Insurance Home Inspection

Need Homeowner’s Insurance?

  • Accepted by All Major Insurance Providers
  • Same Day Reporting
  • Includes: Wind Mitigation & Four Point Inspection

Starting at $95

A La Carte

We offer 10 different inspections

  • Home Inspection
  • Accepted by All Major Providers
  • Same-Day Reporting
  • Options: Thermal Imaging, Air Quality, Sewer Scope, WDO, Pool & Spa, Roof Cert, Home Warranty, & Leak Detection, Wind Mitigation, Four Point

Starting at $95