Wind Mitigation

New Construction Inspection

Why It’s Essential to Inspect Newly Constructed Homes Before Purchase

In an ever-evolving housing market, especially here in Polk County, characterized by skyrocketing prices for both pre-owned and newly constructed homes, understanding the true value of your investment is crucial. With the rising costs of labor and materials, ensuring that the quality of your new home matches its price is more important than ever. This …

Why It’s Essential to Inspect Newly Constructed Homes Before Purchase Read More »

insurance inspection check twice home inspection lakeland florida polk county

If the seller gets a home inspection, does the buyer need one?

This is definitely information the buyer would want to know. I want to know what I’m paying for, right? I wouldn’t buy spoiled food at the supermarket or a pen that was leaking ink. Obviously, a house is a much bigger investment than an apple or a pen. If there are significant problems with a house, I can use this information to ask the seller to fix the problem or negotiate a lower price.

3 Crucial Tests Home Inspections Don’t Cover

3 Crucial Tests Home Inspections Don’t Cover

When I called to schedule my first home inspection, the inspector offered some add-ons that are not included in the basic home inspection. I opted to schedule the extra tests after doing a little research. The first is a test for Radon Gas, which is a radioactive gas. This is a big concern in Polk County Florida …

3 Crucial Tests Home Inspections Don’t Cover Read More »

wind mitigation

Important roofing insurance changes in Florida signal need for a wind Mitigation Inspection

Dealing with hurricanes is part of life in Florida, but hurricanes or other storms with strong winds can cause catastrophic damage to life and property. Some areas of the state might be affected more often, but protecting your home and family from storm damage is something everyone should understand—whether you live in the Panhandle, the …

Important roofing insurance changes in Florida signal need for a wind Mitigation Inspection Read More »

Wind Mitigation Inspection

7 Things Covered In A Wind Mitigation Inspection

With hurricane season upon us, it is important to check your home’s readiness to withstand strong winds.  You can do this by hiring a licensed home inspector to perform a Wind Mitigation Inspection.  A wind mitigation inspection determines the stability of your home in the event of strong winds.  Specific features like your roof, outside doors, and windows are evaluated for their ability to hold up against strong winds